User experiences of the therapulse magnetic field blanket

User experiences of the therapulse magnetic field blanket

Therapulse for the trotters of Stal Hans Crebas

By using the magnacare centurion therapulse blanket we can see that our level in the stable has become higher.

We use the therapulse daily at the horses after the fast jobb. When we do that it is easier for the horses to lose waste products and they are directly fitter.

We also do this after the races. 

The horses are less stiff in the body, recover faster and are in general happier. We can see they are really enjoying and relaxing during there time under the blanket. 

With the use of this the horses there performances have increased.

The therapulse is easy to use and gives us more time to focus on other parts


Therapulse for support older horse

My Gelderlander (born 1991) has problems getting up, moving,
especially his back is a problem zone.

This was confirmed in a thermography, since the spine is extreme
hot zones showed:

Through some research I came across the pulsating magnet blankets. What I liked at MagnaCare was the rental option.

The intention was to follow the months with thermography, but unfortunately this was not possible due to COVID. We made another one after 3 weeks, there was some improvement, especially on the hindquarters.

In total we used the blanket for 3.5 months (every day). We stayed at the lowest setting, 2 Hrz, more stimulus backfired. This winter went without any major problems, which I certainly blame for using the therapulse. If we are lucky that he passes the 30, I will definitely use the therapulse again next winter!
@Arja, thank you very much for your support.


Astrid Augenbroe

Therapulse use with sport horses

We regularly use the therapulse for our horses. We use this in two cases. To begin with, horses that we feel get muscle soreness quickly. You can see at some stages of the training that the horses are having a bit more trouble with it and that a lot of things have happened in the back. By then putting them on the magnetic field blanket for half an hour after work, I have the feeling that the waste materials are better removed and that they start their work more easily the next day. The second case in which we use it is with somewhat tense horses. We lay the blanket on it prior to work in order to get some muscle tone off. We always use the blanket for a minimum period of a few weeks, every day. I feel that in both cases the horses can start their work more relaxed and resigned and that is a big advantage in the course of the training.

Imke Schellekens-Bartels

anky v grunsven uses therapulse

You really feel a lot of difference! Horses are relaxed at 2 Hz. I'm very happy with it!

Moniek van Dijk

Horses really feel different when using the therapy. They start looser with prior treatment. When used after intensive training you notice faster recovery. It works great!

Barbara van den Broek

Use of the Therapulse in the sports massage

I have been using the Therapulse blanket from Magnacare for about 3 years to support my treatments. In my work as a sports masseur I have specialized in biomechanics in the 15 years that I am allowed to do this, and I mainly work with dressage horses. Where in the past I used to treat a horse completely, this in combination with the Therapulse blanket goes much smoother. The horses relax after a few minutes, which makes work much easier for me, but it certainly also ensures that the horses experience the treatment as less annoying. Because the Therapulse promotes blood flow and also improves the oxygen supply, the blanket also works for a few hours after my treatment, in this way the horses suffer less from any sensitive muscles. I now have 2 Therapulse blankets .... I think that's enough!

Rosanne Tijssen – van Zelst, Paardensportmasseur

use of the therapulse in the sportmassage

Vandaag super leuke dag gehad. Voor het eerst gewerkt met de gehele magneetveld therapiedeken (therapulse) van MagnaCare. Het ging erg goed en de paarden waren ontspannen en losser als voor een normale behandeling. Hierdoor kon ik beter inwerken terwijl dit minder negatieve reacties bij de paarden op riep. Dus ze ontspande meer tijdens de sportmassage behandelingen, wat een groter resultaat geeft! De meeste hadden wel moeite om de omgeving los te laten en te ontspannen maar na zo'n 10 minuten lukte dit prima!

Simone Bruys, Paardensportmasseur

simone-bruys-uses therapulse-and-neckpiece

Magnetic field blanket for recovery after a fall

After my horse has fallen in the stables, he had bruises all over his body and he was very stiff and experienced a lot of pain. After the first period with pain relief and restoration of bruises, we started with the magnetic therapy of MagnaCare. It's nice that you can rent the Centurion Therapulse magnetic field therapy blanket too. It as brought along, and there was a clear explanation about magnetic therapy and how the blanket should be used. Partly due to the daily use of the Centurion Therapulse my horse has recovered faster than when we wouldn't have used the blanket.

I noticed that my horse was becoming very relaxed during treatments. At least he seemed to have a good feeling when the blanket lay on his body and did his job. His muscle tone was less and the movements became smoother.

At a later tendon injury, I've daily used a daily time use of the Minipulse. This treatment has also been effective. At the next ultrasound the vet was positively surprised by the apparent recovery of the tendon.

Fortunately, we are now injury free, but if something happened again, I will, because I have a positive experience with this, definitely coming back to apply magnetic therapy.

therapulse for back injury

Netty van Nielen

Therapulse for muscle building

I accidentally came into contact with the magnetic blanket of MagnaCare. For school I had an internship at a horse farm, here I met Arja. After much talking about my horse and the problems that I experienced, Arja told me about the magnetic blanket.

I'll just briefly tell what problems I ran into with my horse.
While riding, she stopped just sometimes, it seemed as if she said I can't do it. Good ,because you can't determine after one time, whether it is behavior or body problems, I ride for a while. There was in the long run nothing to do with her, once I went to the right hand or give a right leg, she just stopped. At the same time she slowly built up some muscles ,but she got rid of it quickly. Arja suggested to try the magnetic blanket, because it could be a physical problem could be. I started the blanket in combination a treatment by a sports masseur. These confirmed the problems in the body, decent acidity in her right hamstring and some other issues. After the first treatment of the masseur and four weeks of using the blanket, it went already a lot better. My horse clearly felt better, has more energy and gave a better feeling while riding. When the masseur visit for the second time, she was already a lot stronger in her musculature and the really big problems in her body were a lot less. My horse also find the blanket delicious, she is always having a nap when the blanket on her back. I like to see how my horse improves since I use the blanket.

Priscila Morlog

Therapulse for shoulder injury

Some time ago, after much searching a tough shoulder injury was found with my horse Univer. The ligament left that holds the muscles together, was damaged. This injury may arise, because he was doing to crazy when he turned out in the land. The injury is so rare that the vet has consulted specialists in Germany. Unfortunately the injury was known to heal as enormously stubborn and difficult. The advive was: lots of straight riding. However: Univer is not a horse to long to put at rest, or quietly trot along a straight line. That matches not with his character.
Someone tip me to contact with Arja. From the beginning she has thought very well with me and gave advice what would best suit his injury. So we came up with the Therapulse. The advantage of the Therapulse is that you can attach it so, just so you can properly treat the problem areas.
Univer is a huge sensible horse and very shaky on his body. Putting up a blanket, which emits vibrations, is not something you can easily do. The first 2x it must be done very carafully, but as soon that the blanket is was up, it was fine. After a few days he was just lrelax in its box with the Therapulse. I dare therefore say that if he accepts the therapulse, every horse will find this fine!
Ultimately, the injury, by the better blood flow because of the Therapulse, heal faster than previously predicted and Univer had no more trouble of his shoulder injury. Recommended! Especially since you can do this yourself every day, making it easy to fit in. 

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