Use of the therapulse in the equestrian massage
06 december 2021 

Use of the therapulse in the equestrian massage

Simone Bruys of Bruysend paardensportmassage has tested the therapulse extensively during her work as a sport-horse masseur. The following reports were received from her: 

One month of complete magnetic field therapy in the treatment of various horses:

The last month I enjoyed testing the Therapulse. At first I always did a muscle control, then the treatment with the Therapulse and Neckpiece for half an hour and after that again a muscle control.

In total we have 30 horses treated in which we notice the following:

Before the magnetic field therapy:

Most horses have a lot of acidity in their bodies. Where the most emphasis on the top line.

Top line 14, front 10, back 6 times.

It was also clear that the entire muscle groups so more large areas that have been acidified.

After the magnetic field therapy:

Top line 9, front 13, back 8 times.

It was also remarkable that 8 times there was a difference was between one and the other side, so on 1 side pronouncing problems emerged. There were 3 horses were / remained very nervous under the blanket.

What conclusion can you draw? 

  • Acidification reduces or disappear completely
  • It focuses on the places that really have problems
  • Compensation decreases or disappears
  • Most horses are calm and relaxed during treatment

Problems caused by overtraining as the emplacement of waste products takes off very clearly.

What feeling did the horses during the sports massage therapy?

  • they were more relaxed
  • They loosen their muscles so I could work better
  • Because there is less compensation was, I could concentrate on the blocks so the effect of sports massage was increased
  • Especially around the shoulder and knee they loosen up, so the often somewhat more sensitive handles were clearly more effective, because I had less trouble to win their confident

In short if I should summarize all these things together;

The magnetic therapy and equine massage are a perfect complement for each other because both effectuate relaxation and removal of waste products. Therefore we have more effect during the sports massage treatment!  

Continued equestrian massage and magnetic field therapy

Following the previous test, which Simone Bruys of Paardensportmassage conducted with regard to the influence of magnetic field therapy and sports massage for horses, I wanted more clarity about what could be found when a horse was treated with magnetic field therapy for a long time.

For this we took a horse that was treated several years by Simone and occasionally got magnetic therapy. It is a 7 year old KWPN gelding (v Rhodium) that starts Z1 dressage.

Before the start of the trial was the horse treated the same way by Simone there alsot ook place including a muscle control. The problem areas found, were the same as the times before; right front and right hindquarters and on both sides of the transition back to ribs (which he needs for the length bend). The emphasis of treatment with this horse is put on hold the release of right front(avoiding the storage of waste materials) so that the foreleg can move as easy as possible, resulting in a well to bring hind leg. Once he is somewhat less flexible we it directly behind. Currently, this is the case

The horse was treated for the first 2 weeks with the Therapulse and Neckpiece on the frequency of 2 Hz. This was done after work. The main objective was getting used to the magnetic field and also dispose of the waste after work.

As this horse is a bit of a ‘slow starter’, it was decided after the second week to continue the treatment before the training, the first 2 weeks at 15 Hz and then till the end of the period at 30 Hz.

In the meantime, the horse is trained on further at level Z1, wherein the training slowly was made heavier .

After a period of 8 weeks, the horse is again treated by Simone. Once again she start with a muscle check. It was already noticed that the horse was going to have a better developed neck and the horse use his back and neck better at work.

The conclusions of Simone after the muscle control were: Neck Muscles in the top line are better developed and also this has a beneficial effect on the back muscles. Mainly to the transition pelvis – hindquarters. It was looser and easier to bend so that the confinement is easier. Actually was noticed that over the whole body the muscles were relaxed and were much finer editing. This was reflected in the faster and smoother able to ask the individual muscle groups. The biggest difference was at the right front. Although the training was made heavier, there was hardly something to feel back in the neck muscles. These were not as sour and hard as normal. This indicates that the magnetic field therapy treatment according to Simone ensures that the waste is disposed better, and thus the horse can move more easily .

Conclusion: This is just the result of a trial with 1 horse, of course no hard conclusion can be drawn. However it is clear that this horse is better developed


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