Therapists' experiences using the neckpiece
06 december 2021 

Therapists' experiences using the neckpiece

Experiences of Paula de Bruin with the Neckpiece

What I do I call body therapy for horses. I use different techniques to achieve the (best for me) proven results:

  •  Cranio-Sacral Therapy
  •  Masterson method
  •  Guasha (for man and horse)
  •  Magnetic field therapy

So I mainly work on the head, the entire spine from head to tail and the nervous system. Since August 2018 I started using magnetic field therapy during treatment. I wanted to be able to add something extra to the treatment, something that helps the horses to deal with the treatment and the removal of waste. And it works well!

I first tried the blanket on myself; I think it is necessary to know how it feels and what it does before I try it with a horse!
It is funny that in principle you feel little to nothing of the magnetic field. Except that your muscles sometimes make a "jump" and they start to feel warm because blood circulation starts. In addition, the magnetic field activates the parasympathetic nervous system, just like my treatment: this part of the nervous system provides relaxation and recovery.

I usually use the blanket at the end of my treatment: if I have done the rest of my treatment. In some cases I take the blanket a bit earlier, but this is completely up to the situation.

In sport horses, the areas on the back are always necessary to catch up with the magnetic field: withers, backs, loins and sacrum.
I would tell owners of sport horses that a magnetic blanket is an absolute must to have in the stable! You prevent serious problems (injuries) and disappointing performance. It does not replace treatment but does contribute to the (better) performance of your horse (s) and not unimportantly: you increase the well-being of your horse (s).

The collaboration with Magnacare is going very well and in the future I hope to expand with even more products from Magnacare!

neckpiece for small ponies

Paula de Bruin, lichaamstherapie voor paarden

Korina Oremus about the Neckpiece

In December I got the  Centurion Neckpiece in my possession for 2 years and have been allowed to use on many horses. I just started as a sports masseur for horses on a full-time basis and knew through a colleague who has been using these blankets for years that it is a real addition to the massage. It gives a lot of relaxation and warming up, making the massaging easier and the horse calm and more cooperative.

I had also seen the good results with tendon injuries and actually all kinds of pain relief.

What I am most impressed with is the ability to help a horse with colic. The first time was by accident…. My own horse was supposed to get a sports massage and when I came to the stable he was not so well. Little did I know at the time that this would become a recurring problem…. He had some colic-like symptoms but not so severe that I immediately wanted to call a vet. In consultation with the sports masseur, we agreed to put the blanket on it and see if he would respond well to this. And yes, after half an hour he was completely the man again!

After this positive experience, I have been able to help horses through a major colic attack several times, including very regularly my own, or to prevent the vet from having to be called in in the case of starting colic. With a big colic you always need a vet!! I can't replace it with the blanket. But in 2 cases the blanket helped save the horse! The treatment did not work well in both horses. Horses got stuck in it, as it were. They were clearly in pain and instead of relaxing they continued to show very restless behaviour. We put the blanket on it because nothing more could be done. The vet had already injected quite a bit of medication into it and it didn't seem to work. If I can, I put the blanket on it for half an hour and if there is a lot of restlessness in the horse (when they lie down and stand again, it becomes a bit tense…) a little shorter and then quietly walk again by hand. This was repeated several times and after 2 hours both horses were completely calm and on the mend. The vet was surprised that these animals survived.

With my own horse I start immediately at the first signs of abdominal pain. Blanket on top and then movement. With him it is always a constipation colic. The above cases were also blockages. But also being able to provide excellent support to a customer where it concerned a gas colic. The vet failed and made her wait for more than 1.5 hours and then didn't come at all. Finally managed to reach another vet who did. In the meantime the horse lay and wouldn't go any further. The blanket then provides pain relief and some relaxation so that this horse is still there…

All in all I'm just very happy with the Neckpiece and now also a  Centurion minipulse. Save a little and then the whole blanket will definitely be added!

korina-oremus uses neckpiece

Korina Oremus, sports masseur for horses

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